Walking back to the shanty town I begin to feel peckish. "Hmmm, what shall I have italian or mexican?" I turn my head to see the old dumpster behind the 7/11, "Pizza sub or a taquito." It is quite dark in the alleyway so I blindly thrust my hand into the trash and hope to come up with something tasty...
After not much time I flip over a piece of cardboard and find a jet black Sony Walkman Professional portable cassette player
"HOLY SHIT!!!" I exclaim, as I inspect the contours of the machine, "Fast forward, re-wind, you can even record your own voice!!! State of the fuckin' art!"
With a jubliant fist pump to the Gods, I slap on the headphones and hit the play button... Nothing...
"No batteries," I say to myself, "I need some double A's, A.S.A.P." With that I run into the night.
It had been quite some time since I had heard recorded music, my favourite song of all time being 'Stairway To Heaven'. Although it was thoughtful of Old Eric to break out his instrument and play it for me on several occasions around the campfire, Led Zepplin just hadn't had the same effect on the spoons.
"Larry!" I call into the darness of the shanty town, "Larry! Where are you!"
"I'm right here you retard, what do you want?"
"Gimme the batteries outta your Glo Worm, I need them right now!" I scream.
"...but how am I gonna get to sleep..." A frown on his face told the story, Larry is afraid of the dark.
I reach into my pocket and pull out my sleep aid, "Trade you a fifth of Ripple." I smile.
"DEAL!" He grins back, not a tooth in his head.
With thoughts of music in my head I rip open the toy and pull out its batteries. As I put the headphones to my ears I feel the excitement. I open up the deck to see what is in the machine...
"Falco 3?"
"*THUMP THUMP* Ohhh, rock me Amadeus. *THUMP THUMP*"
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