So I'm sitting in A&W eating 3 Grandpa burgers, (that's 9 burger patties, for anyone keeping count) when some jackass walks up to me and says, "Rocky IV is a retarded movie, it is just a 2 hour montage with no storyline!"
Now this same scenario has happened to me on countless occasions, at countless fast food establishments, so naturally I was totally prepared to shut this guy down.
"Actually sir," I begin, "Rocky IV is only 1 hour and 31 minutes long, and features a total of 25 minutes and 54 seconds of montage. Meaning that if I were to round down, the movie is only about 28% montage."
Dumbfounded, he comes back at me, "... Yeah, but do your statistics include the 'end credits photo montage'?"
"All 3 minutes and 50 seconds of it." I state coolly.
Suddenly, the manager comes out from behind the deep-fryer and points to my intellectual opponent, "It's over pal. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Game, set, match.
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