Jean Charest, leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, announced just 19 months into his government's mandate that Quebec is indeed heading for a December --- pardonnez moi --- '
Decembre' election. This announcement just weeks after a poll suggested that the Liberals had 42% support in the province, putting them above the PQ and the ADQ, who are sitting at 34% and 14% respectively.(Leger Marketing)
Charest made the announcement to media during a press conference he called over-looking the St. Lawrence River. He referred to Quebec's current minority government as "unsteady" with, "an economic storm on the horizon" and that the Liberal Party were the best crew to put, "at the helm". After being drown out by the horn of a passing cargo ship, the leader went on to state that, "during a storm, you can't have three pairs of hands on the tiller."
Toot toot!!! All aboard that's coming aboard!!!
Now, I've never liked Jean Charest (I've never trusted a Conservative in Liberal clothing) but this election call is, in my opinion, one of the most disgusting displays of opportunistic and selfish politics I've ever seen (and this is coming out of Quebec where the bar has been set high!).
In fact I am so disgusted that I actually find myself in total agreement with ADQ leader, Mario Dumont, a man who normally brings my piss to a boil.
"The pretext is false, because it isn't about the economy, because no one will be taking care of it for the next several weeks." Dumont accused, "He has closed up shop. He's putting the National Assembly up on blocks."
AMEN! I hope that the people of Quebec see this election for what it is, and teach the Liberals a lesson.
Don't get me wrong, I dislike the Parti Quebecois as much as I detest the ADQ, both being parties with serious undertones of racial bigotry that have cast a shadow over rural Quebec for many years, but as everyday citizens stand on the brink of losing everything they have, I believe that Mr. Charest should lose his post and be thrown into the Canadian political trash heap (say hi to Joe Clark for me).
The whole story stirs my shit further as Charest also showed of his campaign bus emblazoned with his 'new' slogan... "OUI".
The 'Yes' slogan was, and to a large degree, still is a phrase associated with the separatist movement in Quebec. Now, why Charest and his Liberal strategy team have decided to open old cuts, and stir up memories of ugly time in this country's history is beyond me. This comes about a year after PQ leader Pauline Marois publicly stated that the party would not pursue another referendum on sovereignty, instead choosing to focus on language laws.
Thus far Charest, in my eyes, has made all the wrong moves in Quebec and the fact that he failed to get a majority government last time out proves that the Liberals are on a sinking ship.I just wish that Charest would stop drilling holes in the deck.